Tora Baker

Tora Baker is a communications specialist, qualified journalist and wedding photographer in Manchester. With nearly a decade in helping to tell people's stories and an eye for cutting-edge design, she loves to write about art, photography and crafts. She is also our resident photographer.

Showing 161-176 of 424 articles

Natalia Goncharova (1881- 1962) Two female dancers (half-length). Choreography design for Les Noces c.1923 Ink and paint on paper 250 x 250 mm Victoria and Albert Museum, London © ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London 2019
RENÉ MAGRITTE (1898 - 1967) Le Temps Menaçant (Threatening Weather),1929.  Oil on canvas, 54.00 x 73.00 cm (framed: 72.70 x 94.00 x 9.50 cm).  Purchased with the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Art Fund 1995  Copyright: © ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London 2018.  Photographer: Antonia Reeve
Bending over backwards to avoid eye contact and giving up a seat to someone who needs it more
© Marietta Varga. Via Creative Boom submission. All images copyright of Marietta Varga
Maxine Walker, Contact sheet from the series Untitled, 1995. Courtesy of the artist and Autograph, London. © Maxine Walker
Theresa Chromati Photo: Tre Henry
Rosario, at her home in Calle Cuchillo, Habana, Cuba, 2019 © Sean Alexander Geraghty
Art Early at Dovecot Gallery, Edinburgh Art Festival 2018. Photo: Sally Jubb Photography
Jyll Bradley, Dutch Light © Stephen White
In the Gutter, Blackpool, 2014 © Iain McKell
Outside the Mary Boone Gallery on West Broadway, May 3, 1984. Copyright: © The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.

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