Artist David Irvine brings new meaning to 'up-cycling' by taking unwanted paintings from charity shops, markets or even bins to give them a new lease of life with his fun and creative additions.
Via Creative Boom submission. All images courtesy of the artist
Part of an ongoing series entitled Re-Directed Art, Irvine likes to shake things up by painting cultural icons like Darth Vader, Doctor Who and Batman onto the original painted scenes, transforming the original narrative into something a little more lighthearted and funny.
But it's not just a case of whacking anything into each piece. Irvine will often carefully mimic the style, lighting, brushstrokes and colour of the original painting, to ensure his humorous additions look as though they were meant to be there in the first place.
Whichever style he uses, these unloved and neglected paintings are given a second chance and are being enjoyed by collectors worldwide. You can purchase your own masterpiece via Irvine's Etsy shop.
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