The muted tones, the symmetrical patterns of infrastructure, the lone characters going about their day – what's not to love about the aerial photography of Robert Götzfried?
All images courtesy of copyright of Robert Götzfried. Via Creative Boom submission.
You might remember his Looking Down on Munich series from a few years back. Now he's launched Bangkok From Above, giving us a bird's eye view of Thailand's thriving capital.
The aerial shots follow the same format: he picks out the patterns and shapes found on the city streets and captures a passing local or two, hurrying past. It not only reveals a little of Bangkok's character, but it also gives us a fleeting glimpse into daily lives – a construction worker crossing a road, two school girls hurrying to classes, an old couple patiently finding their way.
"I captured everyday situations from above trying to create the biggest possible distance to these individuals," explains Robert. "In a way, these people are nothing more than graphical elements that break the pattern of the ground. If a particular person is happy, sad, or something else is not important. I leave it up to the viewer to make up their own story."
Born and raised in Lindau, Germany, Robert Götzfried is the Design Project Leader at McKinsey & Company, lecturer for photography at Schule für Gestaltung Ravensburg, and, a freelance photographer. Discover more:
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