In his series, A Detroit Nocture, critically-acclaimed photographer Dave Jordano focuses on the buildings, shopfronts and structures of Detroit at night. Unlike his previous work, Detroit: Unbroken Down, where he documents the lives of the post-industrial city's struggling residents, this collection focuses on the places where they live and work.
All images courtesy of Dave Jordano
These nocturnal images aim to unveil the determination of Detroit's residents to survive, against all odds, and how neighbourhoods have survived through community spirit and supporting one another.
Also available as a photobook, A Detroit Nocture, published by PowerHouse Books, the description reads: "All of these places of business and residencies, whether large or small, are in many ways symbols representing the ongoing story that is Detroit, and a testament to the tenacity of those who are trying desperately to hold on to what is left of the social and economic fabric of the city. These photographs speak to that truth without casting an overly sentimental gaze."
Discover more about Dave Jordano at
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