In his photographic series Fixed Badly, Italian photographer Ronni Campana loves to capture some of London's most badly repaired cars.
Via Creative Boom submission. All images courtesy of the artist
From a beautiful old Bentley to a ruined old van straight out of the 1970s – they're all fixed in the same way, often roughly with some insulating tape or painted in a very unrefined way.
He explains: "What really caught my attention is that expensive and inexpensive cars share the same 'mended' look. From the brightness of the financial district to the darkness under one bridge next to Poplar, it is interesting to see the gap between social classes disappear, as the tape becomes the thing that brings different people from different backgrounds together."
Born in Milan in 1987, Campana attended the Studio Marangoni in Florence to study photography before moving back to his home city in 2011 where he now works as a freelance photographer. Check out his website to see more of his beautiful work.
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