Kevin McGloughlin's latest film with Max Cooper looks at the mind-bending theme of Repetition

We can't quite get our heads around Kevin McGloughlin's latest film, Repetition. It's a mind-bending clever attempt to "convey the importance of our endless endeavours toward human development and growth amidst a chaotic and disorientating landscape," according to the Irish filmmaker.

Made in collaboration with the musician Max Cooper, it was commissioned by the Barbican as part of a larger project, Yearning for the Infinite, which will be displayed at the London museum from 28 September.

But what came first? The film? Or the music? Kevin told Creative Boom: "I had started the film before the audio was made on this one, there was a lot of back and forth between Max and me, the visual and audio were being made in unison so there was a very fresh and dynamic feel to the project.

"We talked through ideas and shared rough cuts and notions. This was very unusual, because generally when we collaborate together the music is already set in stone. I think this helped the work greatly and it was especially fun for me to witness insight into Max's approach to making his beautiful music."


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