In his intriguing series Power and Food, photographer Dan Bannino explores the alleged eating habits of some of the world's most powerful and influential figures, such as Queen Elizabeth II, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un, amongst many others. If you’re a fast food aficionado or a Pizza freak, you might find you have more in common with people like President-elect Donald J. Trump himself than you could ever imagine.
Bannino takes inspiration from different cultures and cuisines to stage various food and drink typically associated with each individual's country. So for instance Angela Merkel might enjoy a little cabbage and sausage (no stereotypes there, then) while Pope Francis might opt for margarita pizza.
Dan Bannino is an Italian-born photographer who likes to translate ideas into images. Someone described his work as “Pop-Renaissance”, mixing popular culture and Old Masters’ style. He has gained international recognition with his work and has been published internationally in a variety of magazines including National Geographic, The Times, The Daily Mail, The Guardian, The Huffington Post, Harper’s Bazaar, Elle, Cosmopolitan and many others.
Via Creative Boom submission | All images courtesy of Dan Bannino
Main image: Angela Merkel / Green Cabbage and Sausage - © Dan Bannino
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