Ever wondered how teenagers have changed over the past six decades? The clothes they wear? The cars they drive? The people they hang out with? You're in luck. The Teen Years is a new exhibition at the Joseph Bellows Gallery in San Diego, California, featuring a selection of both vintage and contemporary photographs that address the physical, social, and emotional aspects of adolescence, and the formation of identity.
Edward Sturr Coney Island 1963
The images – which go back to the early 1960s – present a collective portrait of youth: its awkwardness, innocence, fury, elation, beauty and trepidation. Photographers include Joseph Sterling, Edward Sturr, Enrico Natali, Elaine Mayes, Bevan Davies, Nacio Jan Brown, Melissa Shook, Harry Ibach, Duncan McCosker, Christine Osinski, Joan Albert, Sage Sohier, Mark Steinmetz, John Myers, Andrea Modica, Bill Yates, Roger Vail and others.
On show until 26 August 2016. More information can be found at www.josephbellows.com – La Jolla, San Diego, CA 92037.
Via Joseph Bellows | All images courtesy of the gallery and respective owners. Main image: Edward Sturr, Coney Island 1963
Christine Osinski Two Girls with Big Wheels 1983-84
Mark Steinmetz Jessica, Athens, GA 1997
Sage Sohier South Boston 1982
Bill Yates untitled, from the Sweetheart Roller Skating Rink 1972-73
Enrico Natali High School Prom, Detroit 1968
Linda Brooks David in his Room 1981
Duncan McCosker La Jolla Cove, CA 1993
Bill Yates untitled, from The Sweetheart Roller Skating Rink 1972-73
Edward Sturr Chicago 1965
Joan Albert Martin, July 1980
Joseph Sterling The Age of Adolescence 1959-64
Mark Steinmetz Highway 441, Georgia/North Carolina State line 1997
Duncan McCosker Waikiki Beach, Hawaii 1983
Andrea Modica Untitled, Modena, Italy 2010
Michael Mulno untitled, from Young People 2010
John Myers Juliette 1979
Nacio Jan Brown Berkeley, CA 1973
Elaine Mayes Rodney, 19, Haight Ashbury 1968
Roger Vail untitled, from Rod and Custom 1967-69
Andrea Modica untitled, Modena, Italy 2010
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