ITV is continuing to put its weight behind mental wellness initiative Britain Get Talking to encourage the nation to keep talking through these unprecedented times.
The deliberately minimalist print campaign, made in collaboration with Uncommon, includes clever and subtle copy revealed through a contact list on a mobile phone. The theme is based on the family or friends who might not have been first on the list to "check-in" with during this lockdown period.
It features insights and details that speak to the situations we might find ourselves in, and remind us, despite our differences, that merely speaking might be the most powerful weapon we have in the fight against COVID-19.
With stories surrounding a "social media shy dad", a vulnerable ex and a real doctor working at Bristol A&E, this fresh approach challenges us to think about people in our own lives and to look at how we can make a difference.
"There's been a lot of design work recently that has felt more like a commentary than action," says Nils Leonard, co-founder at Uncommon. "We wanted to try and use print for what it's best at –powerful stories and design that provokes change. No matter what the device, we all have a contact list, and everything starts there. There is hopefully a story here for everyone and a reason for anyone to pick up their phone and keep talking."
Clare Phillips at ITV adds: "Our mental wellness initiative, Britain Get Talking, continues to spread the important message that physical isolation doesn't have to mean social isolation. Britain has never needed to connect more, with our latest print campaign, ITV hopes to encourage people to think about talking to those on their contact list who they may not have thought to instinctively reach out to in these challenging times."
The executions will run across titles such as The Observer, The Times and The I and the work will also run online and across social.
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