David Breuer-Weil's latest sculpture Flight has just been unveiled, which depicts the virtually impossible – a magical sculpture of a flying man taking off from Marble Arch.
All images courtesy of the artist. Via Creative Boom submission.
A hallmark of Breuer-Weil’s monumental works is the very physical nature of the pieces with their deliberately textured surfaces and, when creating this work, he spontaneously covered the surface of the sculpture in pictures and words.
Flight shows an airborne man – the quintessential modern image of a human on the move. In today's world, nobody is bound to one particular place and we think nothing of travelling thousands of miles in one day.
"I fly all the time and produce a large number of my drawings and small paintings when in flight," says David. "Flying frees the mind. Human aspiration and ambition have always been represented by the idea of flying. But it is also about human and artistic freedom, the possible flights of the imagination where anything is possible."
Other works by the artist can be seen in Cavendish Square, Portman Square and against the backdrop of the Saint Pancras Church on the Euston Road. See more of his work at davidbreuerweil.com.
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