Although violence isn't a solution to our problems, sometimes a small, contained outburst does just the trick. Alternatively, a colouring book is a great tool for calming the mind, encouraging a slower pace and a focus on the here and now.
Via Modern Toss | All images courtesy of Jon Link
The clever creators of Modern Toss, Jon Link and Mick Bunnage, have combined violence with the hugely popular trend for adult colouring books, perfectly illustrating the overwhelming surge of anger we might feel towards our fellow man/woman, and distilling it into an act of positivity.
The blurb for Mindless Violence explains: "Achieve a mindful state as you colour in these adrenalin-soaked scenes of mindless violence, created for you by a dedicated team of plainclothed therapists.
"Experience an overwhelming sense of inner peace as you immerse yourself and your pencils in a world of detail and surprises, including a man bending a lamppost; a woman setting about a fruit tree with a baseball bat; some blokes fighting over a parking space, plus many more scenes of contemporary life set against complex geometric patterns ideal for colouring in. Explore, enjoy and pencil your way to a full mind balance re-boot."
In 2014, Link and Bunnage launched a Kickstarter campaign for their 10th-anniversary book ‘A Decade in the Shithouse’, which became the UK’s second-largest comic crowdfunding success ever. You might recognise the duo's work from regular features in The Guardian, Private Eye and The Sunday Times Style.
Find out more, and get your copy of Mindless Violence here.
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