Following the closure of UK schools last week, Céline Leterme and Jon Dowling of Counter-Print decided to create a new colouring book for children (and adults) asking some of the biggest names in the creative community to get involved.
Malika Favre
"We asked a number of creative friends to contribute a piece they thought people would like to colour in," says Céline. "Some contributed existing pieces and others have created entirely new line drawings for us. The response has been really heartwarming and we hope to make a number of volumes over the coming weeks – if parents find them useful."
So far they've had contributions from Malika Favre – who actually gave them the idea for the book – Anthony Burrill, Bethan Woollvin, Break Maiden, Eva Dijkstra, Fivebargate Illustration Studio, FriendsWithYou, Fuji2Apple, Jay Cover, Marco Oggian, Marylou Faure, MillerGoodman, Paul Thurlby, Shunsuke Satake, Sigrid Calon, Steve Gavan, Susie Hammer, Tad Carpenter, Yeye Weller, and Zipeng Zhu.
Currently, Happy Colouring is free to download from the Counter-Print website. Or you can download volume one here. "With a five-year-old son ourselves, we thought it might be a nice idea to come up with something creative for kids to do during school closures," adds Jon.
Anthony Burrill
Tad Carpenter
Paul Thurlby
Steve Gavan
Yeye Weller
Counter-Print's son Thomas colouring in a Shunsuke Satake
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