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Showing 481-495 of 1074 articles

Image licensed via Shutterstock
All photography by [Yeshen Venema](
Brian in front of a new installation by Suchi Reddy, Shaped by Air, inspired by the Lexus Electrified Sport, on public view at Superstudio Più in Milan
Credit: Noma / Gretel
Credit: Margaret Nolan
Hatiye (she/her/disabled), a medium light-skinned person with dark and short bob haircut, is in front of a red and gray background with geometric shapes reminiscent of op art. She wears a navy blue polka dot rain hat, looks to the left and smiles. She also wears a black poncho and hand-knit Icelandic collar.
Credit: Opening Line / Outsiders / Apron
Image licensed via Adobe Stock. Photography by Natanaelginting

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