Life can often be tricky. There will always be ups and downs. But sometimes, it can become so challenging that we find ourselves slipping into sheer misery — when everything, even the smallest thing, feels like a never-ending struggle.
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Because you'll need to be at the top of your game and have a successful, productive work-life – happiness should be a priority. The opposite can hold you back and harm your creativity, business and career.
Happiness is something we all strive. Look on any self-help website or bookshelf, and you’ll find that ‘being happy’ is the ultimate life goal.
So how do you get it? And when the world feels like it’s against you and nothing seems to be going right, how can you lift yourself from the depths of despair and laugh again?
The greatest thing about hard times is that they always teach us a lesson. They show us how strong we can be and how we can adapt to keep our heads above water.
For me, I’ve learnt a few simple things that always put me back on track. Sometimes, it’ll take me a while to get there — but overall, the following tips and tricks never fail me. If you feel like you need a boost, refer back to this checklist as I do — and life and work will soon be happier again.
A good friend of mine has this theory. He thinks happiness is based on three key things – home, love and work. He calls it the Golden Triangle. Something that we should all try to stand in the middle of, so we don’t slide off into oblivion.
He believes that if one of these isn’t going too well, but the other two are stable – all are pretty good with the world. But if two are out of kilt, that’s when things become challenging. All three – and it feels like the world is falling apart.
I love this simple theory. One must work on all three to ensure a happy, balanced life. If you’re feeling low, look at your own Golden Triangle. What steps can you immediately take to improve any of those three? Can you make any changes that will head you in the right direction? Write them down and set the wheels in motion. You’ll feel better for just addressing the situation to move forward.
Now that you’ve considered what you can do to improve your life accept that there will always be things you can’t change. Unmovable challenges that cause nothing but frustration.
Although you might feel powerless, what you can change is your attitude to the situation. Yes, you can choose to be miserable and allow problems to take over. Or you could laugh, look on the bright side and make the best of things. Choose the latter, and it will get you through those difficult times.
I like to wake up to the Today programme on Radio 4, but always listen to some happy tunes afterwards. Disco is good fun. Or a little soul music.
Presently — because the weather’s nice — I’m enjoying a little Cuban music. It doesn’t half put a smile on my face. It’s so upbeat and fun. I end up dancing in the kitchen while cooking breakfast and start as I mean to go on — laughing, smiling and feeling fantastic.
If you need a little inspiration, check out these 100 awesome happy songs or follow my Spotify playlist where all those tracks can be found.
Some wisdom from my grandmother and one that still holds today: count your blessings. Wake up every day and say out loud what you’re thankful for. No matter how big or small.
This morning, I reminded myself how grateful I am to be alive and still have so much life in me; to be able to leap out of bed; to feel rested after a good night’s sleep; to have a beautiful family and friends; to have a business that I enjoy with great clients and to be able to live in a lovely house I can call my own.
It doesn’t matter who you are or what difficulties you face; you can always find a silver lining.
If I could recommend just one thing that would make you happy, it would be exercise. Exercise has the power to not only transform your body, but it can also improve your mind. It even positively impacts every other aspect of your life — from your relationships and career to what you eat and how you feel.
Start each day by moving your body, and you’ll not only feel amazing — you’ll feel in control of your life, and that’s the key to happiness.
Whenever I’m feeling low, I always remember something valuable I learned in my early twenties — to do simple things that make me happy. Ones that are free or don’t cost much at all.
It means different things to different people. For me, it’s hot baths by candlelight, sketching ideas or curling up with a good book. Perhaps baking some cookies or riding my bike in the sunshine. Maybe going on a nice walk in the countryside or playing Fallout 4 in my pyjamas.
Whatever simple act or thing that makes you happy, do it – and do it often. Permit yourself to prioritise time for yourself every day. It’s so important.
You might think a good shopping spree will make you happy, but the feeling is fleeting and will soon be replaced with anxiety when you start to worry about how much you’ve spent.
Happiness, I’ve found, lies in not buying things. Happiness is knowing you have money in the bank, no debts and complete control over your finances.
There are plenty of things you can do for free. Exercise, reading, gardening, cycling your bike — there’s more to life than consumerism. Besides, having more stuff has only been proven to weigh us down. As Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club famously says: “The things you own end up owning you.”
If you’re struggling, satisfy your need to spend by looking at what you’ve already got. For example, if you want some new clothes — put on some happy music (see above) and have a wardrobe sort-out. Aim to put together three or four new outfits that you’ve not considered before. Seek inspiration from fashion blogs if you need to. You’ll not only feel great because you’ve resisted the urge to splurge — but you’ll also have some new things to adorn.
My mother is an inspiration. She is the most positive person I know. She sees the absolute best in everyone. You could say she’s one of life’s innocents, but she’s merely compassionate. She has so much empathy that she can only ever presume everyone means well. Even the bad guys.
Because of this, she’s extraordinarily happy. She has no drama in her life, just plenty of happy times. Sure, she occasionally gets down about how some people are. But she soon talks herself out of it and finds the positive aspect.
I try and follow in her footsteps and look for the best in everyone. It helps when I’m faced with difficult people or situations.
Oh, the dramas we can make up in our heads! That person didn’t say hello to me in the street! What did I say? Did I do something wrong? Have people been talking about me behind my back? Stop. Assumptions are just that — assumptions. You’ll waste time and energy, assuming what’s happening with other people, so save yourself the hassle and let those thoughts go. It’s not easy, but it’s a habit you can adopt.
Next time you find yourself wondering about something or someone, give yourself a break. It’s a waste of your precious life.
Now that you’ve ditched assumptions learn not to take anything personally. Nothing people do is because of you. Everyone is dancing to their music and making their own assumptions. As long as you try and lead an authentic life and don’t set out to deliberately hurt anyone, you can’t go wrong.
Volunteering is a beautiful thing. Not only are you giving something back to the world, but you’ll also experience the incredible joy of helping out.
Is there a local charity or organisation where you can volunteer some spare time to help? There are so many lonely, older people out there who would benefit enormously from someone to talk to every week. Or what about a community gardening project?
Even just helping a friend or neighbour can lift your spirits. Open up yourself to the world, and it’s fantastic what you get back.
Nothing makes me happier than having good friends. I’m so lucky to have people in my life that I care about and who care about me. I often like to show my gratitude by doing something thoughtful. I might send a card or letter. Perhaps send a text to someone if I know they’re facing a challenging day. It could be the smallest thing, but it will make you feel so good about yourself. And it’ll make your friend happy too.
I received a gift from a relatively new pal called Emily last night. She’s from San Francisco, and we met through Mike — an American mutual friend who lives in Manchester. It was hilarious. I sat down next to her in our local pub, and we just started talking and hit it off immediately. She calls me her ‘soul sister’.
Anyway, Mike’s mother was visiting from California and had brought a gift from Emily to give to me. It was some beautiful chopsticks Emily had purchased in Japan but never used. And they came with a little note about just that, and how she thought I’d appreciate them. I tell you, I did. I was tearful. Just the thought that someone was thinking of me, and caring about me — it made me so happy.
Be thoughtful to those you love and great things will happen.
Some people like coffee; others prefer tea. Some with milk, some without. We all have different tastes, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Equally, not everyone is going to like who we are. Accept this and move on.
The point is — do you like yourself? Do you think you’re a good person? Do you have people in your life who agree? Good. Stick to that and don’t worry about those who dislike you. You could be the kindest, most calm person in the world and some people will still not like you.
Embrace who you are, and stop trying to change your personality to please everyone. It will never work. You are wonderful, and many people will agree.
Whether family, friends, colleagues or acquaintances, distance yourself from negative characters and instead surround yourself with more positive souls.
For me, I make an effort with people who are fun and easy to get along. The kind of people who see the lighter side to life. People who don’t demand a lot from me and give me energy rather than drain it. People who I can go without seeing for months and then quickly pick up where we left off.
If you must have a relationship with a difficult person — whether a family member, acquaintance or professional contact — limit the time you spend with them, try to be kind and patient, but keep them at arm’s length.
We exist in an age when it feels as though our whole lives are on show to the rest of the world. And because there are more opportunities than ever before, there’s a growing pressure to be perfect — to lead hugely exciting, successful lives that are varied and wonderful.
Let me stop you there. This article was never going to preach to you about perfection. I’m not going to suggest you do yoga and start chanting every day. Although, that would be perfectly fine — if it makes you happy. No. Ditch the pressure to be perfect.
Life isn’t about perfection. It’s about balance. Happiness lies in recognising you are in control and are allowed to give yourself the odd treat.
Equally, don’t worry if you’re not an ‘entrepreneur’ or travelling the world with just a laptop, engaging millions of followers on your successful blog. You’re allowed to be ‘normal’ and whatever you want to be. Working for someone else is just as rewarding, and often better for most because you certainly have a lot less stress and more stability.
Depression happens to us all. Just like physical health, our mental health is something we should all be aware of. Whether you hit rock bottom or you’ve just had a bad day, remember to be kind to yourself and acknowledge that it’s perfectly normal to have times when you feel low. You’re not a superhero! Give yourself a break.
I come from a long line of ridiculously mad people. And I mean that in a good way. My family are incredibly good fun. They are daft and silly. And that’s wonderful.
We don’t do drama. We don’t dwell on things. We hardly ever fall out. Life is just fun and lighthearted. We’re there for each other through the difficult times, granted. But most of the time it’s just lots of laughs.
If there’s one crucial thing I’ve learnt from my parents, brother and extended family — it’s to laugh as much as possible and not take life too seriously.
The power of now is something we could all employ a little more of. Don’t worry about what’s already happened; forget about the future — focus on what’s going on right now.
If you’re walking to work, notice the sights and smells around you. Look at the sky, smell the cherry blossom on the trees — take a deep breath. If you’re with friends on a Sunday, but you keep worrying about Monday morning, bring yourself back to the present. Because now is all we ever really have.
Whenever I take the tram to work, I sometimes notice elderly people sitting nearby, and I think: “Gosh. That will be me one day.” And then I consider this — when I’m their age, I don’t ever want to be sat looking at younger people and feeling envious of their youth. I want to live such a full and happy life that I never feel that way.
I’m alive. I’m so lucky. And I try to remember that every time I face difficult times. You should too. Because we are blessed with the greatest gift of all — and that’s the chance to live in this world, make the best of what we have and be happy.
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