Have you got a blog but keep struggling to find things to write about? It's not uncommon. Most of us suffer from writer's block at some point.
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Like this morning, I was thinking about things to write for Creative Boom and just hit a brick wall. It's when I decided a put together a blog post on 'Things to Blog About When You Run Out of Ideas'. It encouraged me to consider all the different angles and themes to keep referring back to when the mind goes blank.
So if you've reached a plateau and you need some inspiration, hopefully, this list will help.
It’s an apparent top tip, but if you’re struggling to find something to write about, check out Google News. Search within your field and pull out an exciting story where you could add your opinion. We do this all the time for my own business and blog every day. As I work on the digital side of things, I like to keep on top of all the latest technology news, so it’s great for me to pass on any updates to my audience.
Top tips or ‘list’ articles are stickers. They’ll be around forever because they’re timeless advice pieces. People love using the web to search for information and find answers. Popular searches always start with ‘Top 10 tips…’ Like for example, ‘Top Five Marketing Tips’ or ‘Top SEO Tips‘ – these are posts that will be visited again and again, as people look for tips and advice.
Helpful information is key to the web. People are always seeking advice online. Share your expertise by writing blog posts that teach people how to do things. For example, my business provides digital services, so we write about how to do various technical matters. But speaking to some companies, many worry this would be giving away all of their corporate secrets. Rubbish! By sharing knowledge and being transparent, you attract new clients because it shows you know your stuff.
Want loyal web traffic? Find your niche topic, and you will build a loyal audience. I love all things to do with social media and the web, so I talk about that the most. I try and aim to be an expert in this field, keeping people informed of any new updates in the world of digital communications. Find your area of expertise and go for it.
Keep updated on what’s happening in the world. Discover what people are searching for online. Dig out those hot search engine topics and then exploit them. Piggyback on topical stories that everyone's talking about.
Carry a notepad, because ideas for blog posts can happen at any time. I’ve stood in the queue at my local supermarket and suddenly thought of fantastic ideas, only to forget them by the time I return to my desk. If you haven’t got a notepad, buy one today. I carry one everywhere now, and it does work a treat.
Finally, if you’re still struggling to find ideas, go outside and stretch your legs. Get some fresh air. Do other things and take your mind off blogging for a while. You’ll find that you’ll come back to your computer with a fresh perspective and lots of new ideas.
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