We're all prone to distractions at work. Or we can suffer a complete lack of motivation. But with so much work to do, we often have little choice but to get on with things.
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When you need a boost to your productivity, there are plenty of ways to get back on track. Here we share some top tips to stay focused and get through that job list.
Start each day with a healthy breakfast. And by healthy, I mean porridge, oats, wholemeal toast, eggs, fruit or yoghurt – whichever takes your fancy. Try to opt for some low GI choices to ensure you provide your body with slow-release energy to keep you going until lunchtime. If you have an unhealthy option or skip breakfast altogether, it will just leave you feeling tired, agitated and distracted. Not good for productivity.
Get some decent shuteye every night. Experts recommend around seven to nine hours sleep. If you always have late nights, you'll regret it the next day as you won't feel rested or rejuvenated and ready to handle work. Good productivity relies on being well-rested.
Can't sleep? If you've got things whirring around in your head every night, keep a notebook by your bed and write down any niggles, worries or tasks you need to remember. If that doesn't work, then figure out why you can't sleep. If you're working late into the evenings, it might be because you're not giving your brain enough time to wind down and relax.
To keep stress levels at bay, get out and exercise every day. Even if it's just a walk during your lunch break. Exercise will help clear your mind, ensuring you stay focused. You may think that being chained to your desk will mean that you get more done, but this works against you. Stay active, and you'll stay productive.
A good dose of fresh air and daylight, away from the unnatural environment of an office, is good for the soul. Mainly if your office environment is stuffy, dark and relies on air conditioning to refresh the space. Experts suggest that being outside brings all sorts of health benefits and that a bit of daylight is a stress-buster, helping you to stay on track when you're back at your desk.
Whether you use the Task Manager in Outlook or you have something like Things for the Mac, make sure you keep a simple 'to do' list every day and give yourself a realistic set of tasks to get through. Try and tackle a difficult task first and then do lots of easy jobs to reward yourself. You feel great once you've got a big job out of the way and that only boosts your productivity.
When facing each task on your 'to do' list, try and give yourself a deadline. That way, you'll be less inclined to 'muck about' and waste time on other things. Stay focused on, and you'll find that you breeze through each task.
Emails are a productivity killer. That's a fact. It's all too easy to keep checking for new messages every five minutes. But doing so can mean you spend all day writing emails, instead of focusing on your work. Force yourself to check emails at certain times throughout the day. I try to check my emails every morning at 8am, and then I don't check again until noon. Limit time spent on emails to stay productive.
Chatting on the phone to clients, friends or suppliers can take up a lot of time. Try and limit each phone call by explaining to the other person that you're 'on deadline' and can't talk for long. You won't be able to do this with some clients. In which case, turn off your phone when you're especially busy and ensure your voicemail explains that you're currently unavailable but will be checking messages later that day.
Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn – they're all so tempting to check and can be very distracting. Like emails, you should only view your social channels at certain times and limit how long you spend using them. Don't leave Twitter or any social media tools open on your desktop; they'll keep interrupting your workflow.
There are many tools to stop the temptation of browsing the web or checking social media. If you really can't stop looking, then download an anti-distraction tool like Freedom. It's a simple productivity app that locks you away from the internet for up to eight hours. Beautiful. Compatible with both Windows or Mac.
Or there's SelfControl, which blocks access to incoming and outgoing mail servers and websites for a predetermined period. Or you could try Think, which blanks out everything on your screen and allows you to focus.
If you're feeling unproductive, take a break. Read a book for 10 minutes or go outside for some fresh air. If you're especially useless at taking timeout, download and install one of these break reminder tools, like Dejal's Time Out.
Concentrate on one task at a time. Multi-tasking might seem more productive, but it can slow you down. It's one of my worst habits, and I often find I'm trying to write emails, update Twitter and complete an article – all at the same time. It's hopeless trying to do everything at once because you'll never be able to focus.
Feeling unproductive can often come about if our workload daunts us. If you've got a particularly large project that seems overwhelming, then break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks. Then tackle each one at a time. Keep a list and feel the sense of achievement when you tick off things off.
Figure out when you're at your most productive and tackle the most challenging stuff then. Keep the easy tasks for when you're not feeling at your best. You'll get way more done.
With a list of tasks to get through, you'll undoubtedly come across something that you can't finish. If you're stuck, ditch what you're working on, take a break and then start something new. You might find that inspiration strikes later that day, and you're able to return to that difficult task.
Get your environment right and ensure you have no noise to distract you from work. If you're in an office or work from home and you find it's too noisy, try some ambient background noise to cancel it out. You could listen to Sleep Sound, which offers free relaxing sounds like the ocean or crackling fire. Or there are things like SonicMood. Alternatively, if you like to listen to music, keep it light-hearted.
If you find yourself dodging certain tasks and delaying things, then stop wasting time and get stuck in! It's often the most difficult obstacle to overcome, simply starting a new project. You'll soon find you're enjoying it and getting work done.
Save your most enjoyable task until last, so you have something to look forward to. If you get all your less enjoyable work out the way first, you'll feel energised, positive and ready to tackle anything.
Make it a daily ritual to tidy your desk or workspace at the end of every day. De-clutter and get organised and you'll start each day with a clean slate. If your desk is messy, you'll struggle to stay productive. Get magazine files, drawers and helpful storage solutions.
Finally, if you're still feeling unproductive and not tackling your workload efficiently, keep a writing pad and note down all distractions that kill your workflow. You'll soon see patterns emerging, giving you the chance to make positive changes.
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